Een shell script heeft de .sh extensie.
De eerste regel is het absolute path naar de interpreter :
Voor een systeem boot script is het aanbevolen de standaard shell te gebruiken :
Een schell script heeft execute privileges nodig :
chmod +x
Uitvoeren :
Het ECHO commando
echo "Hallo Wereld"
-n Nieuwe regel overslaan
-e Toestaan sequenties:
\0NNN | the character whose ASCII code is NNN (octal) |
\\ | backslash |
\a | alert (bell) |
\b | backspace |
\c | suppress trailing new line |
\f | form feed |
\n | new line |
\r | carriage return |
\t | horizontal tab |
\v | vertical tab |
echo -n "Alles goed? [j/n]?"
echo -e "De Letter A : \0101"
echo -e "\aKolom 1 \tKolom 2 \tKolom 3"
Het READ commando
read naam echo "Hallo $naam"
Invoer met timeout (10 seconden) :
read -t 10 -p "Naam : " naam
Invoer zonder af te beelden in Terminal :
read -s -p "Wachtwoord : " wachtwoord
naam="David van der Tuijn" leeftijd=27 echo "Mijn naam is $naam en ik ben $leeftijd jaar oud."
Variabelen als argument
echo "$0 is de naam van het script" echo "$1 is het eerste argument" echo "$2 is het tweede argument" echo "$3 is het derde argument" echo "Alle argumenten zijn $* of $@"
Constante variabelen
declare -r naam=davidvandertuijnInteger:
declare -i leeftijd=27
Globale shell variabelen
export naam=davidvandertuijn
echo $naam
Relationele Operatoren
-eq | is equal to | 5 == 6 |
-ne | is not equal to | 5 != 6 |
-lt | is less than | 5 < 6 |
-le | is less than or equal to | 5 <= 6 |
-gt | is greater than | 5 > 6 |
-ge | is greater than or equal to | 5 <= 6 |
Logische operatoren
! expressie | NOT |
expressie1 -a expressie2 | AND |
expressie1 -o expressie2 | OR |
Rekenkundige operatoren
1 + 2 | Optellen |
2 - 1 | Aftrekken |
10 - 5 | Delen |
20 % 3 | Modulo |
10 \* 3 | Vermenigvuldiging |
som=`expr 2 + 3` echo "de som van 2 plus 3 = $som"
Bestand test operatoren
-a file | True if file exists. |
-b file | True if file exists and is a block special file. |
-c file | True if file exists and is a character special file. |
-d file | True if file exists and is a directory. |
-e file | True if file exists. |
-f file | True if file exists and is a regular file. |
-g file | True if file exists and its set-group-id bit is set. |
-h file | True if file exists and is a symbolic link. |
-k file | True if file exists and its "sticky" bit is set. |
-p file | True if file exists and is a named pipe (FIFO). |
-r file | True if file exists and is readable. |
-s file | True if file exists and has a size greater than zero. |
-t fd | True if file descriptor fd is open and refers to a terminal. |
-u file | True if file exists and its set-user-id bit is set. |
-w file | True if file exists and is writable. |
-x file | True if file exists and is executable. |
-O file | True if file exists and is owned by the effective user id. |
-G file | True if file exists and is owned by the effective group id. |
-L file | True if file exists and is a symbolic link. |
-S file | True if file exists and is a socket. |
-N file | True if file exists and has been modified since it was last read. |
file1 -nt file2 | True if file1 is newer (according to modification date) than file2. |
file1 -ot file2 | True if file1 is older than file2. |
file1 -ef file2 | True if file1 and file2 have the same device and inode numbers. |
BESTAND="$1"if [ -f "$BESTAND" ] then echo "File exists." else echo "File does not exists!" fi
If statement
getal=5 if [ $getal -lt 10 ] then echo "$getal is kleiner dan 10" fi
If-else statement
if [ $1 -gt 0 ] then echo "$1 is positief" else echo "$1 is negatief" fi
If-else statement (genesteld)
if [ $1 -lt 10 ]; then echo "$1 is kleiner dan 10" elif [ $1 -lt 20 ]; then echo "$1 is groter dan 10 en kleiner dan 20" fi
For loop
for ((i=0; i<=5; i++)) do echo "Teller is $i" done
While loop
i=0 while [ $i -le 10 ] do echo "Teller is $i" i=`expr $i + 1` done
Case statement
echo -n "Alles goed? [j/n]?" read keuze case $keuze in "j") echo "Antwoord is JA";; "n") echo "Antwoord is NEE";; *) echo "Antwoord is onbekend";; esac
datum() { echo `date +"%d %A %B %Y (%r)"` }echo "Datum :
Met parameters :
leesplankje() { echo "$1 is de eerste parameter" echo "$2 is de tweede parameter" echo "$3 is de derde parameter" }echo "Leesplankje :
leesplankje aap noot mies
Exit Status
Return waarde gelijk aan 0. | script is succesvol uitgevoerd. |
Return waarde ongelijk aan 0. | script is niet succesvol uitgevoerd of een er is een fout opgetreden. |
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then exit 1 fiDe Exit Status wordt bewaard in $? :
echo $?
Meer informatie : Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial (LSST) v2.0